Filing a trademark application with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is one of the essential steps small businesses can take to protect themselves from unpredicted threats such as fraud, infringement, and other Intellectual Property hurdles. It is also an excellent tool to separate you from other competitors, distinguishing your brand and cementing you in the field that you prefer to be most successful in. Thus, registering a trademark is vital for security, brand recognition, and numerous other advantages.
Once you have a licensed attorney at Enara Law submit your trademark registration with the U.S. government, you must be aware of a few other steps and nuances. First, the government will ensure that another company is not already using the same or similar trademark to your business. Secondly, you must provide the Patent & Trademark Office with a description of how you plan to use the trademark in commerce (specifically, what area you plan on utilizing the trademark in the specified regions is crucial). Finally, once your trademark has been officially registered, the government will police and protect you from any infringements. While these are the basic steps and benefits you gain from registering your trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office, below are a few more examples of the benefits of a trademark on your business:
- Trademark ownership
- Notice of owners
- National Protection
- International Complications
- Meritorious claims should litigation arise
Once a trademark is finalized through the USPTO, it gives your business a significant boost to legitimacy. You are greatly helping your company and brand to grow and flourish. Once you receive the final documentation, it will become officially listed in the USPTO database. Giving your business the trademark symbol “R” helps deter companies and individuals from using the same or similar logo. This allows you to bring legal actions against companies and persons in a federal court setting. Providing the increasing views of the burden of proof on your side should a plaintiff infringe on your trademark. Possible litigation examples entail treble damages, loss of business due to violation of your trademark, statutory damages, resulting in a large sum of money due to the damages caused by enforcing your trademark within your legal bounds.
Should you have any further questions, need help filing a trademark, or have a trademark in place and feel a business infringes your legal rights. Please give the Enara Law Trademark Attorneys a call today, 24 hours a day and seven days a week at 602-687-2010, or email us at [email protected] and set up a free consultation.