Trademarks are used to protect your business, and the use of a trademark can specifically protect a word, phrase, symbol, or design that your business would own. The most common trademark item owned by companies is their names or names of their product. All of which fall under the business’s Intellectual Property. Rightfully so, an essential piece of any business is its name; just ask Nike.
Talking with a Phoenix business lawyer to learn what tools will give you the best protection for your business property and what steps you need to take is the first thought you should have early on in your business formation process. If a trademark is right for you, here are the steps you or your Phoenix business lawyer will take to register your trademark:
Trademark Application in Phoenix
Submitting an application with all your business information to register your trademark through the U.S. Patent TradeMark office would be the first step to completing your trademark. There is a correct way to fill out the application that may pose to be problematic if you did not have an attorney to review your application. The added security a law firm provides when filling out an application is protected from the potential challenges you may face as a business owner in the future. Phoenix business attorneys also expedite this process as quickly as possible to ensure efficiency.
Trademark Renewal In Phoenix
Renewing your trademark means continued protection to your business. You must follow strict deadlines when applying for your trademark. Otherwise, you may encounter a rejected application. Knowing that your trademark does not last forever and those missing such deadlines will result in the lost protection of your business. This is another point to consider for a business attorney to oversee the trademark application process. Your attorney guides your application and keeps you in the know when meeting each deadline and other specifics to ensure trademark acceptance. Names and intellectual property are being protected, copyrighted, and trademarked every day. Avoiding these small yet crucial errors will only lead to a successful outcome and protect your IP when the stakes are at their highest point.
Contact An Experienced Business Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ
You should consult with a business attorney in Phoenix to determine whether a trademark is a suitable option for you and how you should proceed with registering it. Considering a patent or copyright, either in place of a trademark or to protect additional intellectual property for your business, you should also find its way into your overall IP plan. Your business lawyer can help you understand the benefits and uses of each, as well as how to register them and protect your property. Call Enara Law PLLC today to speak with one of our experienced business attorneys. We have litigation lawyers who can help if you are involved in a trademark or copyright dispute. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a business lawyer to discuss your options. Call us at (602) 687-2010 or email us at [email protected].